BeLIEving is Not Thinking. 9/11The Big Lie.

2 years ago

Sometimes the LIE stands out in beLIEve.
2001, a telephone spokesperson stated that sustained mobile calls were not possible above 10,000 feet:
Marco Thompson, president of the San Diego Telecom Council. “Cell phones are not designed to work on a plane. Although they do.” The rough rule is that when the plane is slow and over a city, the phone will work up to 10,000 feet or so.
9/11 flight paths over military bases
Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Air National Guard Airport in Vienna Center, Ohio
Air force base in the East Glenville, New York, McGuire Air Force Base
Air base in New Jersey.
Remote landings The Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS) is a military, all-weather landing system based on real-time, dual-frequency (L1 and L2) local-area differential corrections for GPS signals.
Who is Vannevar Bush and what ties him to Nikola Tesla?
Bush and the Skull and bones.
Thought over

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