Professor of exercise and science on diet breaks and rapid fat loss PhD Bill Campbell Interview

2 years ago

Dr Bill Campbell is an associate professor of exercise and science, University of south Florida, director of performance and physique enchancement laboratory.


1) How did he get from pesticides seller to PhD scientist in nutrition?

2) What was the most “paradigm changing” think he learned during your PhD studies?

3) Diet breaks - are there any benefits when we look and th new scientific data on this topic?

4) Rapid fat loss - has it really so many downfalls against slower fat loss?

5) People with kidney disease and protein intake. Any scientific data on how much should they get?

6) Does training periodization still have a place when looking at new muscle strength/hypertrophy data?

7) Any tips for MMA fighters regarding explosiveness/speed training during their time in the gym?

8) Is there any research he is working on now and want to give us a hint about some exciting findings?

9) Reasons to eat more protein for men AND WOMEN + how much should they eat according to various personal goals? (running vs gym etc)

10) Tips he would give your 20 years old version od Bill Campbell about training and nutrition.

11) What makes a Coach a good Coach in his oppinion?

12) Metabolic adaptations in fast vs slow fat loss.

13) His oppinion on reverse dieting, does it have a place after a diet or not?

14) How would he define metabolic health?

15) Any differences in dieting approach with women/men clients?

16) Flexible dieting / clean eating comparison studies .

17) Refeeds science.

18) His Dream study if the budget was unlimited?

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