Defending Ravi Zachariah and his legacy why i believe he is INNOCENT

2 years ago

This is a compilation of my three videos that explains why i believe Ravi is innocent!
I believe Ravi Zachariah is innocent!And i will stand by his wife Margie and his son Nathan!
its easy to accuse and throw stones in others when this is the popular thing to do! But how many really spent 1 hour analysing the facts?
This message carries on sharing the truth
I carry on enumerating my reasons why i believe Ravi Zachariah is innocent and the people that try to destroy his legacy, cancel him and hurt his family are evil.
MILLER AND MARTIN , the law firm that took the allegations against Ravi Zachariah.
Its shocking that RZIM knew they are unreliable, accused of incompetence and malpractice, but still chose them

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