What is legal and should become illegal?

1 year ago

What is legal and should become illegal?
Not being able to unsubscribe to something using the same method you used to subscribe.
"Convenience fees" for paying taxes and bills online.
Subscription to an emailing list without a previous email confirmation.
Increasing the volume on commercials by 20 goddam decibels.
Convenience fees to make payments.
Hiding ingredients in food by calling it "natural flavors".
Overselling a plane and putting people who BOUGHT tickets on stand by
Siren sounds on the radio.
Free trials that auto charge when they run out
this used to be illegal but advertising for prescription only drugs
Civil asset forfeiture.
Unnecessarily bright dipped headlights.
Catching wild animals and selling them as pets. Hermit crabs, parrots, and many fish still fall in this category and are going extinct because of it.
Insider trading by elected officials. Absolutely blatant abuse of power and funneling of wealth.
Head lights that are so bright they could blind you
Pharmaceutical ads
Child beauty pageants
Gerrymandering. How the hell is it just for a politician to pick their constituents? It results in more extreme candidates and disenfranchised voters who got packed or cracked.
Breeding dogs that are no longer healthy
Those stupid flocking mini game ads for mobile games.
Congress owning stocks in any industry or company they regulate, take money from, etc. Corporations donating to political campaigns. Advertising prescription drugs to customers (the US is one of the only places this is still legal).
People marrying minors
All the lies told in political ads.
I think paparazzi should be illegal to be honest
Ticketmaster. How is that not scalping?
Forced Overtime.
Sending catalogs to my house without my permission. The quantity of paper that is wasted is unreal. We call to have them cancelled but they keep coming. I have to pay to have my trash collected where I live, so basically those companies are forcing me to pay to throw away their garbage that they created unnecessarily and there is nothing i can do.
Congressmen and women trading stocks
Payday loan companies.
The predatory practices of the U.S. Healthcare system.
Civil forfeiture
Corporations being treated as individuals when it comes to political donations.
Those predatory vehicle loan places for people with bad credit where you can be charged like quadruple what the car is worth and if the loan defaults the car can be sold over and over to more poor suckers.
Predatory Lending. This includes aggressive service charges/fees/etc.
Civil forfeiture
Ticket touters. So many people won’t get to see their favourite artists now + people will end up playing to empty stadiums as the cost of living grows.
The space of a seat in a economic class plane.
Releasing balloons. Pretty littering
Cops can lie to you, but you cannot lie to them.
Clipping puppy Tails and ears
Political campaign donations. All Political campaigns should be free to run. No one gets to advertise. Network TV Aires debates in prime time paid for by the taxpayer.
Child marriage/sex with children
Bribery. Sorry, I mean lobbying.
Dark money in politics. Bribing Senators and Judges ok OK.
I work in the ER. The amount people have to pay in co-pays for ER visits. My sis in law has to pay $250 per ER visit and she's been really sick lately, is up to $750 now (3 ER visits) All while we get drunks and hypochondriacs on state insurance coming into the ER daily for free, for them. The system is so broken.
in US: Bribing politicians.
Child mariage. Just because your cult following parents say it’s ok to marry a man 50 years your senior shouldn’t make it legal.
Politicians making medical decisions, they really do make crappy doctors
the amounts of sugar that are added to foods, especially foods that don't need sugar.
People serving more than 3 terms in the Senate or 5 terms in the House.
Congress insider trading
Child beauty pageants.
Insider trading for politicians
led headlights and “mommy vlogging” where they use their children for content and money
Poison bait stations for rodents used outdoors, which also poisons any animals further up the food chain that eat the affected rodents or their remains.
Funding their own charity group to evade their existing taxes
Almost everything politicians are allowed to do, create laws and somehow trade stocks that are involved in said policies????!?!? Strange I go to jail if I do shit like that.

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