The Ammach Project Archives - retrospective 2013 - Ammach in America with Dr Leo Sprinkle 31.33'

2 years ago

In sorting through the many old files that began life in the Ammach Project, I have created a new series called The Ammach Project Archives - which will be ongoing and cover a lot of material, so it will be a large body of work in the longer term. Be sure to look out for it.

The Ammach in America is part of this Archives series.

In February 2013 I attended The International UFO Congress at Laughlin, Nevada, and took the opportunity to get some interviews on the fly - and Dr Leo Sprinkle - who was a professor at the University of Wyoming as a Psychologist, with an overarching interest in parapsychology as well as being a contactee himself.

He spent over 50 years researching and spending time looking into the experiencer events and the impact on humanity, with many ancillary aspects of the field playing in to his interests. He ran the Rocky Mountain UFO Conference for 20 years and having got his doctorate, over the years qualified in regression hypnotherapy work, which he also experienced himself in his quest for answers to some of his own experiences.

He was a compassionate, erudite and articulate person with a great love for his family and was open to listening to experiencers and supporting them from his professional and personal perspective.

He wrote the forward to one or two books as well as writing one book relating to 8 cases of regression - called Soul Samples.

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