Joe Biden on Thanksgiving Says Americans Purchasing Semi-Automatic Weapons Is Just Sick

2 years ago

Joe Biden Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, President Joe Biden expressed his DISGUST for Law Abiding Americans purchasing Semi-Automatic firearms.

"The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick. Just sick," he said. "It has no, no social redeeming value. Zero."

Joe Biden, the only that's sick is your complete and utter disregard for people having the ability to protect themselves.

You're surrounded by men with semi-automatic weapons every day, and you don't have a problem with that!

A single-parent mother living on the bad side of town who works two jobs wants to buy a semi-automatic gun to protect her family; you think that is SICK!

How can there be no socially redeeming value for Americans to exercise a constitutional right?

How can there be no socially redeeming value of at least 70,040 defensive gun uses per year (on the lowest of low end)

Semi-automatic firearms are over 90% of the guns in the country.

Joe Biden has more contempt for the law-abiding citizens than he does for the criminals committing the crimes. `

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Yes, if you spend $200 and it includes a Vaultek product, you will still receive the $50 gift card.

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