The Passion of the Christ but it came out in 2007

2 years ago

My attempt at the 'but it came out in 2007' meme but with the most epic movie scene...

If you watched this and wondered why a Christian would make a video like this, then the following is for you.

I went back and forth about posting it, prayed about it, and even asked my wife what she thought about it. Here's how that went:

Me: Have you seen the "but it came out in 2007" meme?
Wife: Yes
Me: I'm thinking of making one of those with the Passion of the Christ
Wife: WHAT
Me: [Gives explanation]
Wife: In that case you should absolutely do it

Here's that explanation:
I think the meme trend is very uplifting. If done right, you get chills when you see it (go see the Obi-wan one). It only works with epic scenes, and what scene from a story is more epic than the TRUE one where God himself comes to Earth and defeats Death once and for all?
Also, if you think images of Jesus are forms of craven images or idols, then why did you click on the video? I'm convinced that the motives of all our actions are important when it comes to determining their sacredness, including with pictures and videos of Jesus.
I'm also convinced that the only real way to make change in the world right now is through the culture (like on YouTube), which is why I made this channel in the first place. And if I can bring the Linkin Park kids from way back in 2007 in here to hear the Gospel message - and have it NOT be forced - then I believe my motives in it are correct. I even got the version of the song with fewer lyrics so they don't overshadow the epic moment with ill-timed words, but even the lyrics to the song are relevant:

'Cause I've drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies

So let mercy come
And wash away
What I've done

It's a cry for help, and recognition of wrongdoing and a desire to repent and change one's ways. That's the essence of the Gospel. Though the song talks about a person wiping away his own regrets,

I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become,

I think it's also important to note that no person can wipe away his or her regrets and sins. Only someone with a perfect record can do that, and the only one in that category is Christ (a.k.a. God).

If you found this video inspiring or it gave you chills, I'm glad. If you feel hurt by the video, then I apologize, as my goal isn't to cause troubles for those actually seeking truth, but to help them along.
Even though I feel apprehensive about posting this, as I do fear backlash from Christians I'm meant to be family with, I think it's one of those things I just need to post and trust God with the results.

I hope that if you haven't come to know Christ and are turned off by Christianity, that you with seek truth, because it's my belief that truth will lead you to Christ and the real, truly fulfilling love He offers us.

I've drawn regret from the things I've done, but Christ has washed that all away. God bless you, folks.

P.S. If you think I'm just following a trend and doing this for views, you are partially correct. I AM doing this for views. If my videos never got views, they could never help anyone. But the helping part is the fact you miss if you think my only goal is growth. See you next time!

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