Dehumanization of MAPs and the ClubQ shooting

2 years ago

Transcript:Dehumanization is the process of perceiving other people within certain subgroups as less then human. When someone is dehumanized it causes people to perceive that dehumanized person or group as if they where a animal or a object. The brains ability to empathize is completely removed towards those who has been dehumanized; This is part why the Nazis where able to treat the Jews is such horrific fashions and justify such actions because they did not perceive the Jews as human but rather they perceived the Jews as monsters and less then human.

I think that dehumanization is wrong no matter what group its directed towards. No-one should face the extreme mosterization and dehumanization maps has. When you allow one group to be denied there humanity it opens the door for other groups to be dehumanized too. No one is safe until everyones safe. The ClubQ shooting is a perfect example of the disastrous effects of this. This shooting was caused by the groomer panic. ClubQ had a all ages drag brunch the same night of the shooting. This was likely perceived by ClubQ shooter Aldrich as a “grooming event”. There are reports of Aldrich using homophobic slurs to descibe gay people.

There has been lots of efforts from influencers on the right to describe gay and transgender people as “pedophiles” and “groomers”. The reactions to this rhetoric within the LGBT community has been to point the finger at republicans saying that there the groomers and not the LGBT community. This tactic is horrible on multiple fronts first it only causes the republicans to become defensive and prevents reconsideration of belief. Second it dose not address the root of the issue: anti-map sentiment. Most of the beliefs about maps within the majority of the public are half truths, misrepresentations, and lies.

The lack of addressing the genocidal and dehumanizing rhetoric to maps has opened the door for dehumanization of people within the lgbt community. Sense the start of the lgbt movement the people from the far right has said that the end goal is pedophilea. This belief came from the logical end of the main talking points of the lgbt movement such as “love is love” and “love over hate”. The far right made this a issue that would force the lgbt movement in the 80s to turn there back on there foundational beliefs and push against the sexual freedom of maps and children. This was not a conscious choice by the lgbt community to demonize and deny maps there rights but rather there was a extremely well conducted propaganda campaign that targeted maps that made people believe that child/adult relationships where always coercive, traumatizing, life ruining, and that child/adult relationships made people into maps making it seem as if it where contagious. There where programs such as Chris Hansens date line nbc that demonized maps by presenting the bottom of the barle as the medium for maps while controlling the framing that we where perceived under. These campaigns were extremely successful at controlling the public perception of maps. It made us seem as if we where sick contagious monsters out to ruin your kids life. The idea that maps where made by having sex as a kid prevented people who had a positive experience from coming out about it due to fear of being perceived as a map and being gaslit into thinking it was abuse and manipulation because they though of it differently then the loud minority. These beliefs about maps where also possessed by the lgbt community casing them to see it as something that inherently wrong.

I don’t blame the lgbt+ community for there belief system about MAPS and no MAP that’s well educated on the issue should. Its not there fault, there emotions and informational network where manipulated, Maps need to be mature about this. There’s a lot of people in my community that are mad at the lgbt community because rather then seeking understanding there reacting and following there emotions. This division only harms the both of us but as its said divide and conquer. Let not allow us to be divided.

Since the shooting many of the influencers on the right such as Matt Walsh, Tucker Carlson, Libs of Tictok has made many comments that attempts to link transgenders and pedophiles. This shows the dangers to the LGBT+ community if the genocidal rhetoric towards maps is left unaddressed. Yes we should acknowledge the differences between maps and the lgbt community but we also need to address and acknowledge the similarity's. Let’s do our best to not be hippocrates and to live without contradiction of belief. You won’t be able to keep your freedoms unless you fight for them stepping on and oppressing maps will only harm the lgbt community in the long run. Unchallenged ideas are extremely easy to hold and the lack of challenging of these ideas only farther reinforce them. The idea that sex harms children and that pedophiles are sociopathic monsters has been left unchallenged for so long that people can justify actions that are horrible such as torture, and mass murder. I’ve seen people cheer on the murder and torture of people who’s been in adult/child relationship. If we allow this rhetoric to continue this unjust hate will spread to the lgbt community. I hope that we start to look at people cheering on the death and suffering of maps in the the same way we view the lynchings today.

I believe that most people are good people and that most people perceive themselves as good people. Most people are just misguided on how to be a good person. Even the nazis truly believed that what there where doing was the best thing for their community and children, they thought that they where the good guys. Human will and morals can be manipulated to get people to believe extreme and unjust actions as justified. It’s not the fault of those whos been manipulated but rather its the fault of those who influence the masses and know the direction there pushing there followers. Love your enemy so one day they may become you friend. When we insult rather then persuade we are losing the battle for the mind. Love must win over hate because I don’t want to live in a hate driven world. Hate, anger and fear are all blinding and can prevent you from seeing clear truths. Seeking understanding is one of the ways to remove the blinding effects of hate, anger, and fear. Self reflection is a wonderful teacher.

Aldrich the club Q shooter likely believed that what he did was justified and the right thing to do. This is not due to this person being bad to the core but rather from his informational network about lgbt peoples being driven by lies and half-truths. Combating these lies and half-truths should be our goal because Combating the person gets us nowhere and just causes people to shutdown and go on the offensive. We should be accepting to those willing to change. No ones the same person they where a month ago, change is the only constant. I’m not saying we should accept Aldrich if he changes though because he must be made a example of to prevent further atrocitys from happening.

Lets make a difference, lets not let hate win.

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