#nfsheat #Ghostdriftx Playing the Unite 3.2 for Need for Speed Heat with Camtoolkit

2 years ago

#nfsheat #Ghostdriftx Playing the Unite 3.2 for Need for Speed Heat with Camtoolkit

Playing Need for Speed Heat with the new Unite 3.2 update. Trying out the CamToolKit as well. Played around with it for a bit but didn't get the CamToolKit to work as I wanted. Regardless, it is a great mod and of course the Unite 3.2 update has been very good. I mainly will try out the escapes to see how hard this will be without having the normal game overlays. Should be interesting and scary at the same time. If you like what you see, hear, or both, make sure to stay up to speed by connecting to the channel.

Current project:
Currently looking to replace Rodecaster Pro with Rodecaster Pro 2 for better sound routing

Want to support even more?

00:00:00 Pre-Stream Start
00:03:19 Start of Stream
00:04:18 Where to download UNITE 3.2
00:04:32 Show different options with CamToolKit
00:06:10 Known hot keys for CamToolKit
00:09:55 Show how tires look after selecting vs when the car is first loaded
00:10:51 Parts removed & removing the Hood
00:11:06 Reset CamToolKit to show car after loading in a different location
00:14:03 What to do if you had an older version of UNITE and you want to play UNITE 3.2
00:15:40 Frosty Mod Manager vs previous Frost Editor
00:17:12 First Race with no Interface
00:21:10 Why so loud ..lol
00:22:16 It sound like you was in the room...lol
00:24:42 Lol ...move the sound the correct source but I needed to take it out of the Audience Mix or the Voice Chat Mic on the Beacn Create. Still have to fix so you my have to turn it down for the rest
00:26:35 Possible Video Card Price Drop soon when 40 series Video Cards drop
00:28:51 First Police Chase
00:31:50 2nd Race no Interface
00:35:36 1st Game Crash
00:38:00 40 series talk
00:44:31 3rd Race with Interface - CamToolKit not active
00:46:46 Video Sales and Retailer Pricing thoughts
00:48:43 Second Police Chase
00:54:21 4th Race with Interface
00:54:38 Rodecaster Pro vs Rodecaster Pro 2 pricing difference
00:58:11 40 series vs current games and who really would get the most from purchasing one
00:59:50 2nd Game Crash..lol..pack it up
01:01:03 Ending Stream

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