Is God unjust ?... The apparently unjust Guidance of the People ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Is God unjust?

About the seemingly unjust guidance of the people

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 7, Chapter 173
Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jakob Lorber

1. The scribe said: “Yes, Lord and Master, this way the prophet is easy to understand, and the meaning is now clear to me, although one could ask the following: why do You, Lord, allow that 2,000 years in the future, the people will once again become as evil as they were back in the time of Noah? And why must the poor people especially suffer the most, even when they lead a life that is as pleasing as possible to God?

2. I myself know of such a case: It was a poor family that lived strictly according to the commandments of God, and they possessed a small piece of land. Not far from there, a rich family, prominent in the world, possessed a large estate. This family was hard-hearted, and never gave alms to the poor, while the poor family was always willing to share the small amount of bread it had with the other poor people. On a hot and humid day, a heavy storm came, and a lightning bolt struck the hut of the good and poor family, who was out in the field at that moment, gathering their barley. The hut burned down of course, including everything that was inside: clothing, food reserve and the necessary house and farming equipment. However, the same storm passed by the large property of the rich and unmerciful family, however, no devestating lightning came down from the clouds and struck the house of the rich owner. So, why was the rich and hard-hearted man spared, and why not the poor one?

3. Such things happen all too often, and because of that, the people are easily coming to believe that there is no God at all, or that God does not care for anyone. And I believe this is one of the biggest reasons for the decline of faith, because every person has a natural sense of justice that is closely tied to faith in a good and righteous God. When this feeling is all too often outrageously offended, gradually, faith is equally offended and weakened, and so, humanity is, slowly but surely, sinking ever deeper into the night of unbelief and superstition. And in its time of need, it begins searching for help and comfort in any place where help is offered, and in this way, it turns to idolatry or indifference.

4. And once, within a few centuries, humanity has in this way become predominantly evil, then, of course, comes one punishment after another. However, I believe that those would not be necessary if the faith of the people had not been so often severely tested by certain incidents.

5. I am thinking about this as a natural man, but the way I am looking at it right now, a lot of other people do as well, and thereby they are only getting worse. Lord and Master, what do You have to say about this?”

6. Said I: “Did your poor family remain unhappy after the accident? And after that, did it have to wither away in great need and misery?”

7. The scribe said: “No, not at all actually, because the accident made the hearts of the neighbors soften up, and so they gifted the poor family so much, that it possessed more after the accident than it did before.

8. But there are also cases where a family, once it was subject to an accident that was out of their control, still remains unhappy after the fact. And since these types of situations happen all too often as well, I believe they are actually the reason why humanity is becoming worse for the most part. Or am I wrong about this as well?”

9. Said I: “Firstly, cases such as these are hardly common, and secondly, in case they do occur there certainly is a good reason for them. With the first poor family that you gave as example, the reason for their accident was the following: their hut was already in a ruinous condition, and a small earthquake would have sufficed for it to collapse, and this would have easily killed its righteous inhabitants. For this reason the poor family had already asked their rich neighbors to assist them numerous times, so that they could build a new hut together. But the neighbors did not heed their calls for help. Then, one day, it was allowed that a lightning would put an end to the old and ruinous hut. This made the hearts of the neighbors soften up. They quickly pooled a small sum of money together, built the poor family a new and solid dwelling, and supplied them with all kinds of provisions. And so, the poor family’s condition had improved drastically, and they were much better off after the accident than they were before, and moreover, this way they were able to do much more good for those who were still poorer than them. In light of this, your presumed misfortune was, in actuality, good fortune for the honest and good family, and it was all foreseen and allowed by Me.

10. However, concerning the other afflictions and misfortunes that seem to stick around certain families, well, such people have been reduced to poverty by their own hands. If then, in their poverty, they are once again struck with an even harder blow, so that they may wake up from their familiar indolence, it is once more their own fault if they persist in their laziness, and so they remain in their sorry state. It is people such as this that are then of the opinion that God does not answer their calls, or even that He is not concerned about the people at all. But these people are simply too lazy. They are not earnest at all, neither in their work for the world, nor in their consideration of God’s commandments, as well as their lukewarm and trustless pleas to God. Therefore, they are left alone in their adversity, until, through ever greater need and distress, they are finally awakened and stirred to action. That is when they will become happier.

11. Listen up, in the orient there once was a king of a great nation. However, since the people there were living on fertile land, they became more and more lazy as the years went on. At some point, the king thought about how he could correct this evil.

12. Suddenly he got a good idea, and he said to himself: ‘I will charge the people ever greater taxes, and I will have my warriors collect it with uncompromising strictness, and I shall do this until the people will once again become more active.’

13. A word and a blow. And behold, in the beginning the people were grumbling and wailing terribly, and they would have even risen up against their seemingly harsh king, if it would have been easier than to simply shed their indolence. The bitter hardship however finally stirred the people to greater action. And soon the people were more prosperous, and they were able to pay the king the heavy taxes he demanded much more easily than they were before.

14. After a few years, when the king noticed that his people had become zealous and active, he sent out messengers to all the corners of his kingdom to announce a substantial tax reduction.

15. But then the elders of the nation spoke out: ‘We thank our wise king for this grace, but nevertheless, we are asking him to leave the current taxes as they are, for the true welfare of the people, for as soon as the people will be charged less taxes, they will start to become lazy and inactive again, and in the end they will have more difficulty paying the light taxes than the heavy taxes.’

16. Once the king heard this remark from the elders of his nation, he praised them for their wisdom, and he beheld how his people became more and more active, and by that they became ever more prosperous and happy as well. And when the people learned from the elders that the wise king only charged them such heavy taxes to make them more active and happy, they praised the wisdom of the king and voluntarily paid him even more than what was demanded.

17. Behold, I myself do the same thing with the lazy and inactive people. Am I doing someone an injustice?”

18. The scribe said: “Lord, it is once again clear to me, and I thank You from the bottom of my heart for your enlightenment of my mind.”

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