Andor End Credits Scene Fully Explained

2 years ago

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at the end of andor we got an end credits scene, where we saw the many pieces of machinery that cassian and the rest of the inmates in the secret prison were constructing day in and day out. What looked like an upgraded version of buzz droids constructing these pieces, flipped over to create the massive dish of the Death Star, we finally got to see everything come into play. Now, before I elaborate on how Andor changes the fate of the galaxy and really slows Palpatine down, I need to talk about the prison. There obviously was something very weird going on with that prison that the empire kept repeating everyone’s sentences, moving them around the prison until they died of old age. This was to prevent them from telling anyone about what they were building when they got out. In the rare chance an engineer could figure out what this machine could be used for, and perhaps tipping off a full investigation publicly or even worse, privately to be exposed. However, enough of the machines were made that we saw them being implemented into the death star that was almost fully operational. Now in Rogue One, which is about a few weeks before star wars episode IV a new hope, we saw the destructive fire power of the battle station for the first time at Tarkin’s orders on Jedha city.
This means it’ll take another while for the death star to be fully operational, and with the possible escape of the prison, all the parts required are delayed.
Now with the delay, this could very well be why Tarkin was ripping on Krennic for the constant set backs, as he took control of the battle station, which fuelled the ‘we stand here amidst my achievement, not yours’ line that Krennic expressively gave to Tarkin.
I think Cassian and Kino Loy’s prison escape put a massive dampner on the Empire’s plans, and force Palpatine to keep the senate around just long enough so that the rebel alliance grew in power and size. If the death star had been ready even a moment earlier, Palpatine would have had total control over the galaxy by perhaps months or maybe even years ahead of time.
This means Luke Skywalker would have had to be sought out sooner by Obi-Wan, and the death star plans might not have been leaked as early as they did in Rogue One. And even if they were, Jyn was younger, and maybe not as formidabble. Saw Gerrera was possibly not in the right place to take her in. So many variables could have been altered if the death star was ready sooner, which Cassian put a stop to. Now don’t get me wrong, he did have a playing hand in the very machine that lead to his and Jyn’s demise, however, he slowed it down just enough to let the rebellion reach the height it needed so that Luke Skywalker could blow up the death star with the use of the force, killing Tarkin and billions of imperial personnel aboard the battle station. Did you know in Star Wars issue 14, that when Vader flew off, spinning from the explosion of the death star, he ended up on a nearby random planet and had to fight these Hyenax on a field. reference -
Now, there is a controversy with the end credit scene that i must discuss, and that is the fact that the planet is not geonosis. The death star was built over geonosis, however, here it is clearly a different planet. Why is this? Well, it could be a mistake by the director, or perhaps at this moment, for whatever reason, the death star had flown to another part of the galaxy to a different planet. For those who don’t know, the death star was built over geonosis and the empire exterminated all geonosians. The whole idea was stealth and keeping things on the low. If anyone would ever find out that such a planet destroyer was being made, palpatine would no longer be emperor, and the galaxy would impeach him.
So it was prudent he kept this all a secret. and a secret it was kept, quite well I must say. Cassian didn’t find out about the death star until rogue one and mon mothma is oblivious to its existence as well. This fight to bring down the empire was done so out of the sheer dislike they have for how the empire has ruled the galaxy, but once the rebels find out about the death star for the first time, it’ll be quite interesting to see them scramble.

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