1 year ago

For those of you who “vaccinated” your children against the China virus, or made it mandatory to be able to participate in activities you control, WHY did you have children??? You just took away the poor children’s future. You not only are threatening the life of an age group that has a 99.999% recovery rate from the virus, you may have just sterized them so they will never have the oppoturnity to have children of their own. And of course there is also the strong possibility they will suffer serious side effects and could become permanently handicapped, not to mention heart problems including myocarditis, as many children and young people all over the world have suffered from and DIED from.

Children with no comorbidities have a virtually 0% chance of dying from this virus, so why on earth would you force ANY child to take an experimental, untested, unapproved injection that is NOT a vaccine, it cannot stop anyone from getting it or spreading it, it is merely a treatment known as “gene therapy,” or more correctly, “gene modification therapy?” It’s only theoretical purpose is to lessen the chance of having to go to the hospital if you contract the virus, that’s it, and it has already killed over 23,000 people, and seriously injured well over one million people. Anyone who has any intelligence to want to make their own informed decisions and don’t want to be ignorant, uninformed sheep can easily research these facts for themselves, by bypassing the mainstream media who has a stake in the profits from these shots, and get the truth from the many top doctors and scientists all over the world who have been publishing the TRUTH about all this for nearly two years to inform and warn the public.

Since you are selfishly deciding to inject your children with an experimental drug where they have absolutely no say whether or not they want to take that chance with their lives, why did you have children? And worse, what makes you think you have the right to force other children to do the same, how can you be certified to have control over anyone?

Instead, you should go straight to prison for child endangerment. I personaly hope you rot in HELL for playing GOD with the lives and futures of His defenseless children. If you weren't smart enough to research this experimental, untested, unapproved "Killer Jab" with ingredients that can harm the children, you have no business being around children. SHAME ON YOU, may you ROT IN HELL. GOD has always existed as judge over his creation, and God help you when judgement comes.

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