Hope is Unlimited

2 years ago

Today we are having a pre-discussion to our longer discussion about abortion. Before we dive too deep into this topic we wanted to speak to the compassion and true love behind the information we provide, and how the intention is not condemnation for those that have made the choice to have an abortion but to provide hope for true healing through repentance.

If you have any further questions regarding this topic or any others please leave them in the comments and we will attempt to answer them in another episode!

We are Catholic women who each have a doctorate in a field of psychology and we are teaming up to bring the world of psychology and Catholicism together!

We want to help women re-embrace their God given role as distinct, feminine, and maternal creatures. We will do this by using psychology from a Catholic perspective to help women identify the deception of the culture and navigate away from the world to focus solely on our Lord through the model of our Blessed Mother.

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