Ammach Project Archives 2012 Conference Series MIKE ORAM 1 20 52'

2 years ago

This retrospective visit to the first Ammach conference 2012, which took place in Nottingham Sept 1st at the Britannia Hotel, has MIKE ORAM, Composer, singer, author and life long Experiencer as a speaker for an hour 20.

Mike was aware at all of 4 years old, that his parents were not his parents, as he told his mother during a moment of channelling or communication, in which he used words and language structure that 4 years olds are usually incapable of. Little precocious Mike said that his real family were out there, indicating the stars....Mike has so many incredible stories to share - be sure to check out his book below.

Mike also features on the EKLECTIA album with his track that you will hear on this presentation, 'Travellers' his music making has been in major a platform for songs about his experiences. His close space family guide and friend, Tellos surprises him one day in November 2003, during the day set by for Harmonic Convergence, when many people around the world gathered either in groups or just individually to link in to augmenting positive energies within themselves and for the planet and our other 'family...'

Mike's had a wealth of experiences, and hear you will find some which don't always make it into a presentation. You can read a fuller account of his life experiences in his 2007 book called Does It Rain in Other Dimensions - URL below.

Everyone did a professional and great job on the day - it always takes a great deal of organising and I have to say, I don't miss that element at all. I will likely not put on a conference again, but will do some presenting of some of the material I've learned about over time, along with some of my own experiences.

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