Ammach Project Archives 2012 Conference Series DAVID GRIFFIN Saucer School 1 11'

2 years ago

This retrospective visit to the first Ammach conference 2012, which took place in Nottingham Sept 1st at the Britannia Hotel, has DAVID GRIFFIN from Exo-Politics UK presenting a fascinating, trip around the reports of abductees et all talking about their being taught ET languages...

David explores the origins of where the language element emerged, citing Genesis, the Tower of Babel, and follows a line through tribes people, their use of hallucinogens and their awareness of other beings, - citing other prominent authors and professionals like Terence McKenna and his research and findings on the use and outcome of such.

David takes the listener on a long ride, through many times and cultures within the presentation on the reasoning behind this specific activity of human imposed learning by ETs....

This presentation at just over an hour focuses on the link between alien abduction and the many instances reported of people being shown the demise of the Earth, at the hands of her custodians, humanity. This does seem to be an ongoing theme with these other beings, and other civilisations.

Everyone did a professional and great job on the day - it always takes a great deal of organising and I have to say, I don't miss that element at all. I will likely not put on a conference again, but will do some presenting of some of the material I've learned about over time, along with some of my own experiences.

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