Ammach Project Archives, 2012 Conference Series - SIMON PARKES Mantids, Reptiles+hangers on1 20' 47'

2 years ago

This retrospective visit to the first Ammach conference 2012, which took place in Nottingham Sept 1st at the Britannia Hotel, has SIMON PARKES from Whitby, North Yorkshire. His story is of life long encounters and abductions - seems he has a family of Mantids and Reptilians, with a family history that brings in some interesting components that may have a relevance in this regard.

Simon takes us through a quick tour of his life as an experiencer, which kicked in essentially when he was in his early 50s, not long after he gave this presentation. I do think it takes a lot of courage for anyone to come forward, speaking their story, as they believe it to be - and Simon's certainly is challenging for the majority.

I also am aware that people can be programmed to release information in the public arena, at times, with certain agendas which may not be obvious to the majority - we know so little about this strata of experience which makes it difficult to discern the facts. However, time is the master teacher and deeds speak lounder than words...

It is interesting to note that Simon is now something of a celebrity in the alternative comms. world, in particular regarding back door information ie non msm perspective on especially the American political shennanigans that is in full swing, not less than any other elite controlled globalist arena...fascinating stuff, I'm watching the space for sure.

Everyone did a professional and great job on the day - it always takes a great deal of organising and I have to say, I don't miss that element at all. I will likely not put on a conference again, but will do some presenting of some of the material I've learned about over time, along with some of my own experiences.

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