DEVIL MAY CRY 5: SE | VERGIL Mission 4! Motivated Man visits Fruit Stand! (PS5 Gameplay 1080p60)

2 years ago

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to a special PRERECORDED episode of "Kyle Plays the Video Games"- presented in Majestic 1080p High Definition Super Vision at 60FPS, for your viewing pleasure! TONIGHT: Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition- the most Special of all Editions of Devil May Cry 5 yet discovered by mankind! Starring VERGIL- the most MOTIVATED (and awesome) of all Protagonists of Devil May Cry yet discovered by mankind (tho if Capcom hadn't forgotten that Sparda existed, he might take that title because Sparda was freaking awesome NGL...).

TONIGHT... Having killed many demons whilst being cool, our hero, VERGIL, has worked up quite the appetite. Knowing that proper nutrition is key to a healthy mind and body (ladies...), and eager to get his daily intake of Vitamins, he decides to visit a nearby open air market thing. Though typically far too much of a Based Chad to bother with such hippie shenanigans, it has great reviews on Yelp- and some delicious and nutritious fresh fruit would be invaluable in warding off hunger, hypoglycemia, and- most crucial of all- scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency is no laughing matter).

MOTIVATED by the thought of all those wonderful Vitamins just waiting to emPOWER his body with nutrition, so that he may kill demons while being cool even harder than ever, he sets off at once on what will probably be an entirely uneventful walk with no demons getting in his way or associated nonsense. (Spoiler Alert: There totally will be.)

#devilmaycry5 #dmc5 #gaming #ps5share #letsplay #dmc5se

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