Distro Monday 35: Asahi, Alpine, and TAILS Updates, Oh My!

2 years ago

DM 35.1 – Asahi Linux Updates
If you want to run Linux on the latest Apple hardware, and break free from the tyranny of Tim Cook and his fruitiness. This project will lead to a solid M-series silicon performance on Linux. It is not 100% there yet, but they are very actively developing it:
Working on the following things:
USB/ Thunderbolt drivers
Display drivers
Backlight drivers and firmware
New kernel options, in the form of a new repo that users can add and use alongside of the standard Asahi Linux kernel, Asahi-linux-edge.
Display drivers are coming along, as I reported on a few months back, it looks like they even have Nexuiz/ Xonotic running, which is really cool.

#distromonday #linuxonmac #Asahi #updates #Linux #TechFreedom

In writing a paper last week, I was confronted with the reality that often, the Church idolizes relevance more than it actually serves God. It is a problem when we place anything above God, but when the culture is as corrupt as it is now, it is exceedingly troubling. We are meant to be salt and light, but when we rubber stamp all of the sins that we are meant to stand against, and refuse to correct people in love, then how can we call ourselves the Body of Christ? If we seek to serve culture more than God by chasing after relevance more than after His heart, then how can we claim to be His, rather than friends with the world?
#distromonday #stathanasius #relevance #servegod #churchfathers #memesplanation #TechFreedom

DM 35.2 – New Release of Alpine Linux
What is Alpine Linux? Alpine is an indie distro, focused on being lightweight, secure, and efficient. It is based on musl libc and BusyBox, and uses OpenRC for init and system management.
Alpine Linux 3.17 is now available, so what’s new?
OpenSSL 3.0
Rust support
GNOME 43 ( I didn’t realize GNOME could be decoupled from SystemD)
KDE 5.26
And lots more besides...

#distromonday #Alpine #Linux #openrc #Rust #TechFreedom

Freedom Consultation

Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that. This is a FREE 90 minute call with me, where I will demo some varieties of Linux for you, some replacement apps, talk about degoogled phones, and give you links to how to start the process of taking control of your digital life online as well.

#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free

DM 35.3 – Speaking of Security, Check Out TAILS 5.7
TAILS stands for The Amnesiac Incognito Live System, and is meant to be run on flash drives. It is portable, and all you need is an 8 GB flash drive to install it to. It is based on Debian, features TOR, and is about as hardened as you can get.

What’s new?
A Metadata Cleaner, to remove metadata from files you create or edit, which can protect you from being tracked.
Updated Tor Browser
Numerous tweaks and fixes

Take a look if you need extra protection for whatever you do, this is used by journalists, activists, and spooks, to protect their work from the prying eyes of governments and corporations.
#distromonday #TAILS #security #pentesting #nopersistence #notadailydriver #TechFreedom

Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.
#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab

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