i wasn't ready for the vain glory of copyright claims

2 years ago

getting really frustrated
my camcorder can be a little bitch
excited to have obvious grey harrs
dying sooner rather than later the way things are goin
i lose stuff a lot, this happens every day
bombs going off vs. losing a tupac cd
it's the end of the world more times than not
why would you _____ if you don't have to
i ask similar questions for a different reason
try waiting it out, man
90% of illness based on the power of suggestion
i can't do much about the big things but the little things i can totally flip
the little things will drive one mad
the weather machine is just so great
akathist of thanksgiving...so exciting
there were actually quite a few people there, more than your typical wednesday service
stand up has taught me so much
when i was younger i was way more self-conscious
my music taste is superior
the arcade fire went thru a lot
lotza things happen in the church that are not positive
secular people make better music
they hold onto the one part of them that is of God
i think they all believed in God but they weren't/aren't religious about it
ya can't choose what inspires you or what/who you inspire
female. gay man. happily married man.
so many weirdos out there
i dunno what they're looking for
yes yes we can imagine, silly head
that's such a stupid saying
maybe i am giving em false hope
in my mind so i understand shit that most women don't
slim pickens out there
smart cos i don't need you

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