no context on social media...the whole point of this experiment (DO YOU FEEL LIKE A LAB RAT YET?)

2 years ago

i love this hat so much
schizotypal personality, that's what it is
no not an aspie (inoculation nation)
perks of these psychological problems
josiah is insane but he means well
maybe i do have adhd hahaha
the weed has really mellowed me out
the winter wonderland stuff is out in my town
thank you God for pouring out your blessings on us
He does it whether we know it or not
humbly grateful or grumbly hateful, so true!
they won't fix that road, they will never fuckin do it
are you bored w/ this footage (you probably already left)
i gotta take a shower and make stuff
you can't pay attention unless you really want to
*the key is finding sumin worth focusing on
multi-tasking is the gift of add or whatever
thinking and feeling and shit
still a liberal at heart regardless of my politics
i had to show you the gang
i will always provide an example of precisely what i am talking about
that comedy set was so friggin quiet
very common picture of bob marley smokin a splif
i devote my energy to whatever i can
i can't be mad about it, i just have to deal with it
medicine mind you, we don't believe in medication
you are nothing more than a $
why would they want you to get better when they can make more $ off you
this country sucks and everything is terrible, like the whole world
i know what's best for me, damnit
i have always felt like an alien in america
i was tempted to leave the usa but i think that's cheap and shitty to leave your home country all cos you hate it
tempted to go to mexico, plus they got the beach
america: #1 sex trafficking country in the world (makes sense since we are the degeneracy capital of the world but also the place where people go to sell some shit product...if money is the most important thing then anything goes)
schizophrenia does this actually
...catatonia takes over i guess but honestly it's kinda nice since i can't seem to shut up most of the time haha
i'd much rather be this way than not plus i dunno how else to be
empathy comes from separation also
their "connection" is superficial
people on twitter to a capital T
no context on social media...that's precisely the problem
how am i the only one that knew this from twitter's formation
i tried to warn em about the ultimate goal of the n-word
first the n word, then the f word and the c word and then it's subjects and statements and "conspiracies"
the right people will know what you're talking about and the wrong people won't and fuck those people anyway
what you could say you won't cos you're too busy whining about what you can't say
making the most out of A.D.D.
you just gotta stick with projects, in comedy i can actually accomplish this
i do recycle material i just don't do it the same
you will be a better person for just facing your problems
i don't have to know you to know you
what would it be like to send tweets
i want a cookie right now (you'll get yer chance, amy)

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