The Revelation of Truth | প্রকাশিত সত্য | Arian A. Smith

1 year ago

The revelation of truth | প্রকাশিত সত্য | Arian A. Smith

The Gospel has been presented for thousands of years in different ways. It is notable that even at the time of the 1st-century [Galatians 1:6-9] false gospel had been shared to take the sheep away. There will always be demons and will always try to share corrupted gospels. And its representation is all around in the 21st century.

If you look at the churches (t) today, it is so different from what we read in the Book of Acts. Because we have like 2000 years of history, We can see that the church in the Book of Acts was a living body. The church was a movement, a disciples' movement. It was a body of believers who were led by the Holy Spirit. Christianity moved to Greece and became a philosophy. It came to Italy and became an institution. It came to Europe and became a culture. It came to America and became a business. If you take a body and make a business out of a body is that not prostitution? And this is what people have done today with the traditional churches. People have prostituted the church of Christ, the body of Christ.

Who is to blame for that? General people? Leaders? Pastors? Let me tell you something - all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. People must know- who God really is? What is his character? How it’s like to stand before him?

All of the generations of the earth need a move, a breakthrough, and I believe the start be from these generations being born again.

Question is - On which Gospel do you believe? Is it the biblical one or the corrupted one? The video link I’ve shared can help you a little bit but check from the scripture.

Are you born again? If the answer is ‘yes’ watch the video I’ve shared for confirmation. If the answer is ‘no’ watch the video I’ve shared. This video can change your life because the true Gospel has power, not the corrupted one. End of everything these elements can help you a little bit but be confirmed by the Bible.

I believe we live in the Spiritual world as much as the physical world. People need to understand it and live according to it. What benefit there will be in the Spiritual world if people just equip for the physical world! Even Spiritual one is more important than physical. They must take their blindfold off and see the real warfare and equip for it with the help of the Living God. It’s just my little effort for them I believe inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Don’t believe me, don’t believe any pastor, don’t believe any teacher, don’t believe any denomination blindly - “ CHECK EVERYTHING FROM THE BIBLE ”

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