How fast can I get paid on a real estate deal if I am a wholesaler?

2 years ago

Good question.

Typically it takes 30 to 45 days to get paid when the deal closes. You can also ask for money to be paid upfront on your assignment fee. In some cases you might be able to get the entire assignment fee paid upfront but this only works with new investors. Experienced investors will want you to get paid when the deal closes. They might be willing to give you part of the assignment fee upfront.

Theoretically you could put a contract on a property and have it at the title company that day and then the same day sell your contract. But this is not practical. It would be like getting a lucky hand in poker. It won’t normally happen that quickly.

In order to learn how to do this, you need a proper financial education and a mentor. If you are serious about learning, then contact my office at by filling out the contact form. Also you should start going to the weekly investor meetings on Sunday where I educate investors on these and other topics.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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