Queen Elizabeth II Made a Fatal Mistake

2 years ago

Queen Elizabeth the Second died recently, leaving behind a mostly positive legacy. However, she is partly responsible for a disturbing downward trend in her own family. Learn how the British royal family rejected biblical family values—and how they are being cursed for it



00:00 The Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II
01:34 History of the Throne
04:42 A Fatal Mistake
07:10 Conditions for the King
10:34 Forsaking the Covenant of David
12:57 The New Ritual - Omit "Obey"
17:20 A God-Plane Relationship
22:17 The New Throne and New Stone

Family is a God-level relationship. Rejecting God’s laws of family brings serious consequences. Study Gerald Flurry’s free book The New Throne of David to discover the major reason why the British royal family is being punished in this end time.

Prove from your Bible that God foretold a dramatic change in His handling of David’s throne. Understand God’s condemning judgment on Britain for failing to uphold the standard of His throne. Learn why God expects more from the people who possess His throne today. The message in The New Throne of David might be the strongest ever delivered in the history of God’s one true Church. You must study it thoroughly to grasp where God is working today, and where His master plan for mankind is leading.

The throne of David is a family throne—an unbroken dynasty of royals that transitions directly into the rule of Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. But disaster is guaranteed to strike when the ruling family rebels against God’s laws of family.

Request our free booklet Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? for the nation-shaking truth about the godly institution of marriage. The sharpest minds on the planet cannot tell you where marriage came from or why it exists. But the Bible can. Understand the divine origin of marriage, its purpose, why only humans get married, and what it pictures.

No physical blessing is greater than a strong marriage that produces happy, well-behaved children. Knowing the spiritual depth of the marriage institution, as designed by your Creator, will transform your physical life. But it will also give you hope and vision for the next life. The spiritual parallels of marriage are staggering and stupendous. Study Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? to discover how marriage was invented by God—and made for you.

Why is the whole world so enthralled by the British royal family? Other royal families exist, yet everyone seems to care most of all by far about Britain. Request our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy to learn about these nations’ remarkable history with God.
Because God has blessed America and Britain so much, He also expects more from them. So what happens when they fail to meet expectations? The law of cause and effect is absolute.

God blesses for obedience and curses for disobedience—in the area of family and everywhere else. A prime example of this is playing out in Britain in real time, and your Bible shows where it will end.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The New Throne of David, Why Marriage—Soon Obsolete? and The United States and Britain in Prophecy. Order now!

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