Reacting to Andrew Tate talks Alex Jones @Rob Moore

2 years ago

There will be a novel argument but first agreement.
Andrew Tate said was asked about alex jones, & i agree with everything Andrew Tate said to Rob Moore about alex.
Andrew ended his points about alex that alex is in the second stage, of how the elites deal with a problematic person, tying you up in legal matters, & the third stage is death.
Where I differ from Tate here, is just a hypothetical. I have no evidence of what I’m saying. What if alex isn’t just being neutralized by the elites, and being an example to others who would speak out against them, while that most likely is true, what if God is turning something meant for evil to use for some good. Like Joesph with multi colored coat being sold into slavery by his envious brothers. Not that God is going to use alex, to go all the way to the Supreme Court to win a historic free speech decision. But god is trying to get Alex to discipline Alex. To get him to re-examine some his beliefs. What if God is trying to get Alex to repent. That Alex was wrong thinking The answer to 1984 is 1776. That’s wrong. Worse Alex has used his gifts to spread this message, & Jesus wants him to Alex to know the answer to the mark of the beast that is coming, the beast that will wage war against the saints and overcome them, no amount of supples from the the infowars store will help you survive. Our savior isn’t Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alex Jones, Donald trump, or Ron desantis but jesus on a white horse descending from the clouds with sword coming out of his mouth. There is no shame in being killed by the beast, there is a great 1000 year reward for willing refusing to worship the beast, & being beheaded for it. Sandyhook was Alex’s biggest tactical mistake, but his biggest stragetical mistake was thinking Christian’s could ovecomer the beast, all that said I have learned more from alex than many pastors or teachers & who tip toe around how evil the Bible says the world is, i think alex was trying to expose it & i have nothing but support for him doing that, but I think he overstepped by thinking he could or should do more than that.

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