The false prophet is ???

2 years ago

If someone were to make the mark of the beast in the next 7 years and compel the world to take it, who best fits the role?

most people think the pope



Keep in mind with prophecy

John the Baptist never called fire down from Heaven but was considered to be the prophetic fulfillment of Elijah, but he wasn’t literally Elijah reincarnated, or cloned. Point being fulifillment of prophecy isn’t always the way people were expecting, or it’s fuzzier then how they pictured it.

You can study what revelation 13 says about the false prophet on your own but I’m going

‭‭to cheery pick some parts of it, and see if the person I have in mind could do the trick, like how john the baptist wasn’t a clone of Elijah, or jesus didn’t go into a whale like Jonah, but he did disappear from earth for three days.

to the text
He also performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in front of people.

When a space x rocket launches and Relands from heaven, and the whole audience cheers. That might be fuzzier than literal fire coming down from heaven, but are you judging that with the same scrunity as John the Baptist being Elijah?

If you’d think modenr people aren’t in awe of technoloyg or space x, & that they wouldn’t follow elon, but they would fall for a pope he throw fire balls, what would sa fire ball throwing pope do for them? It’s be a neat 2 minute ammusement, the pope could melt your marshamellow and you wouldn’t have to hold your arm up and instead use both hands on your phone. But rockets have way more value. They are the tickets of this planet, towards space immortiality. A fire ball throwing pope can safely get you off this planet, like the tower of babel rockets can. The flame ball throwing pope couldn’t match a small army of un manned drones that could fire at him, without risk of them being hurt.

He deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that he is permitted to perform on behalf of the beast ( space x, the boring company, star link, tesla neuralink,) telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast
is an image is just a two dimensional nft? A comic book page? The word in Greek translated to image, could also be statue, could that be a Tesla robot? What’s more likely a drawing that talks, or a tesla robot that is able to talk? Can a drawling kill, can a robot?
Back to the text
who had the sword wound and yet lived. He was permitted to give a spirit to the image of the beast, or a spirit to the tesla robot so that the image of the beast could both speak ( and cause whoever would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. Could that be a tesla robot knocking on your door, and if you don’t do what it says, it terminates you. And he requires everyone — small and great, rich and poor, free and slave — to be given a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark:

Elon would know a thing or two about setting up a digital world wide buy and sell, he did have his hands in PayPal after all
The technology from
Neural link could be a stand in for the mark.

Other than Jeff bezos out of 8 billon people Elon musk seems to fit the bill the best currently. Bezos does not have a neural link, tesla robots or a fan base like Elon, but he also has rockets, promeint role in the marketplace, if amazon owned all the stuff and you had to buy or sell through them, alexi could be a protype of the beast robot that talks.

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