concern about @Marcus Rogers recent messages

1 year ago

Marcus Asked for help to sue instragram but this is the best help i could come up with if he were ever to see this,

I know you get alot of attack and you might dismiss this as attack from a gummy bear christian trying to tame your spiritual side and put you in denomination box

What i have liked from watching you is, is when you do come out boldly against gummy bear christians, or christians who are politically correct, who it looks like they’re just trying to game the algorithm to hustle money and make christian lite content as alternative to getting a secular Job, but they leave out the spirit of God, that when someone actually puts the card on the table that it leads to persecution, if they have no cross to on their back, can anyone take them seriously?

I also like that you draw peoples attention to this is the ends times, whether it is or not for another 100 years, it doesn’t matter, the only view you can have from the Bible is all christians regardless of when they lived, from the time the apostles till now, should always have lived as though Jesus could return like theif that night..

I like seeing that you don’t just make videos, and talk, but to see your walk, what you have done getting fire house going, and that you minister & deliver people in person.

Those are some things I like about what you are doing.
What I want to caution you about is several things in a row, that I heard from you recently. Since you got back from you social media fast.

I’m list them all now then address them individually
The call to kayne that god wants to be a prophet,
The announcement that you might appear to be prideful for now on, but so what
The annoucement that you want a bigger building and you want to have these businesses that can have their own island economy,
Wanting to sue instragram

About kayne. I think Ye’s taking a lot of steps in the right direction, and I’m glad to see how he is willing carrying a cross, and getting more vocal about views he knows would cost him. I hope Kayne keeps going.
What about does concern me, is the book of James chap 2 says we

I’m not saying you were only showing favoritism to Kayne and that you aren’t helping the poor, but i think telling kayne god wants to use you as mega prophet, more than a some obsecure Christian is not right. I don’t think god would use a celebrity more than someone who has been overlooked by the world.

The other thing with kayne, is although he is making some right steps, much more than he was 10 years ago, it seems like he isn’t sold on the idea that he can’t love this life, or fix this world, that his hope is even 90 percent in jesus coming back to right the world, but kayne thinks if he implements bibical principals he can save the world. So that disqualifies him as being useful for god, if he ignores all the verses about

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭1

The announcement that you might appear to be prideful for now on, but so what David probably was proud that’s not a good attitude or excuse.
I am not all criquing when you get into the spirit or when you get firey about worldness & sin

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I am just concerned if you get into even a seemingly prideful spirit, not just for you but Don’t give those who oppose you easy ammo by going Marcus is way off he’s even know excusing his open pride.

Because you should as paul wrote to Titus
“sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.”

I can read many verses about pride & humility but this one sums it up
James 4:6.

What concerns about you declaring the Abraham decree over the bigger building you want, even though you want it for good intentions is this.
i think it could become an idol or a distraction to you getting people ready for the terrrible end times, that instead of focusing on the

Titus 2:12
Even if you got this building, & you do good with it, & that i hope that you do, I would caution that you don’t think that building or even bigger building could shelter you & the people you minister to from the beast

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13‬:‭5‬-‭10‬, ‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

No getting around it, the world only gets worse for christians, there will be no safe haven, nor should we seek it, if we’re beheaded for not worshipping the beast the good news is we get to live 1000 years with jesus during the millennium kingdom. if you hype people up to weather a storm, that they not going to able to, nor should they want to, that it could cause more of them to loose faith when things only worse, and worse, and they are more tempted to take the mark, because they trust the voice of jesus less & less.

No suing Instragram. i get the wanting to bring attention to people who are using you likeness to scam people, but I could care less how many followers you have or subscribers. I don’t care about how many people like you message, I just want you to get back on the true message in boldness.

Philippians 3

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