excusing God’s abuse in the Bald-head Bears boys ambush

2 years ago

“Now Elisa went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the road, some young boys came out from the city and ridiculed him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two of the boys.”
‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭2:23-24‬ ‭

No christian has this verse as a tattoo, or pinned on their social media.

The story makes God & his people look unjustly cruel.

This story is hard to reconcile with a loving meriful God.
The best attempts I have heard to reoconcile say, the young boys could been in their late teens Or older, and like a street gang. There were at least 42 of them, coming up insult the alone prophet. They got his attention with an insult, but they were going to next assult him. The assult part is not in the text, and is attempt at a loop hole. Still the 42 guys who were attacked it doesnt’ say they were killed, with only two bears, that would be out of the ordinary for bears to kill so many, the text does say they were tore up, so maybe they were only mauled.
Still you can think wouldnt it had been better if God or his prophet tried a different approach, like God gave the prophet a full head of hair, and then the boys would have been amazed and shown reverance. His teacher Elijah was on the run from KIng Ahab, and they had life of persecution so maybe he had ptsd, when he saw the at least 42 males come to at least taunt him. If God sent the bears maybe he giving those males and the people they knew a scar they wouldn’t forget that to listen to his prophet, and if they did their lives & souls would be better. It was just an extreme case of tough bear love.

If you get upset that Christians try to make up loop holes or excuses for their abbusive God. Would you rather christians embraced this story and tried to curse you with bear attacks. Which you probably think is a waste of time, since you don’t believe a god, let alone one that would send a bear to murder someone who insulted one of their followers.
The Roman EMptire, who didn’t follow Yahweh would take prisoners and throw them in the collesieum to be attacked & killed by bears, Arn’t you happy chrisitians didn’t try to carry on that tradition. Romans didn’t follow Yahweh but they had no qualm with throwing people to the bears and watching for entertainment. With Yahweh this is an odd one of story, and not a commandment that people who mock god or his people should be feed to bears. Jesus taught us to love our enimies, turn the other cheek at insults.


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