God is worse than Big Brother

1 year ago

Bible says Jesus wants to be your brother.
Athiest say , god is worse than big brother.

Doing everything this petty, insecure, control freak wants would be more tortourus than the lake of fire, no escaping this self obsessed naracisst who just wants obeying groupies, who willing either are mind controled or pretend to be zombies out of fear of his abuse.
God is worse then big brother from 1984 because he wants to break you down forever, that you willing love his nonsense, and say 2 plus 2 equals 5, and sure Jesus can walk on water, and feed 5000 people with 5 fishes, and of coars god is loving and merciful even though he planned on barbecuing most people who wouldn’t go along with saying how much they loved big brother and his mustache
Who wants to woship this guy no matter how attractive that all sounds forever, how egotisgal is he & how boring does that sound. God will either torture forever in the lake of fire, or torture you by having to be his Stockholm syndrome prisoner in his new earth.

God is not big brother, he is letting people mock him, and curse him, and he is remaining silent, and letting you speak against him. He is going to let you kill his people who do try to be loyal to him, and won’t take the mark of your beast. All the things god wants us to do that the atheist cries fowl over, is to be kind to others, to be greatful to god for giving us the gift of life. Adam & Eve walked with God & there was no hiding until they sinned. When jesus was asked what’s the most important commandment, Jesus did say first love god, that’s it, only god matters, no he followed it up with second love your neighbor as yourself. So God doesn’t just want all the love, he wants us to also all love each other, how is that awful and evil. That is not Godt trying to damn up all the love to himself, but making sure the current of love flows out to everyone.

If you take god up on eternal life, it’s in the new earth, were the Bible says God will put your face in a cage with Hungary rats, and if you disobey him, he’ll open the door separating the Hungary rats to eat your face, no the Bible says God will wipe away all your tears, their will be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, God will be our dad, and Jesus our brother and friend.
If we are friends and siblings i don’t think we will be hands and knees worship ing but acting like friends and family.

God could have said he most valued in his family strength, intelligence, or skill, but God chose that what he values most from his kids is for them to be loving.

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