Experience the golden ratio through Sound: 111.111hz 179.777 Phi Golden ratio (Headphones needed)

2 years ago

This experiment is aimed to induce the golden ratio (Phi) so that your body vibrates in this universal ratio.
In the eastern traditions, this is referred to as "Shabda" or "Nada" and is believed to be the constant energy flowing in the universe.

The use of headphones is needed unless you sit right in the middle of 2 speakers (the slight difference in distance might matter if using speakers)
Once you are set, just relax and surrender to the sound.

How this has been done:
Pure sine wave tones are generated using Audacity (free software)
111.111hz on the right ear
179.777hz on the left ear
111.111 * 1.618 = 179.777

Personal observations:
1- the ratio is not perceived at first. Instead your heartbeat will cause you to hear waves. Unless you relax and let the sound guide you and entrain you into synchronization, this will not have the most powerful effect on you.

2- When you surrender to the sound and start synchronizing with the frequencies, the sound will appear louder, you will no longer hear your heartbeat and new sounds will arise. If this happens, your heartbeat will be @54bpm or close enough.

3- After listening to the whole track, you will begin hearing much better, but differently for few seconds to a minute. You will be able to hear ultrasounds more clearly, a constant long wave in the back (like a beach surf), and even a river sound.

Please enjoy!
I would love to have your insights on your experience so please share your feedback in the comments

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