Black Friday Special

2 years ago

Food Forest Abundance’s biggest sale of the year just started!

If you’ve been waiting for a sign to start growing your own food so you can improve your health, become more self-sufficient, and be able to save money while doing so, then this is it!
For a few days only, save 15% on all of FFA’s food forest + homestead designs (code: GRATITUDE)

This includes:


- Starter food forest design (up to 1/16 acre)
- Family food forest design (1/16 to ¼ acre)
- Family + friends food forest design (over ¼ up to 1 acre)
- Community food forest design (over 1 up to 3 acres)

Your food forest will be designed with consideration of your climate, planting zone, topography, space, as well as to the beauty, functionality, and abundance you wish to have.


- Family homestead food forest design (over ¼ up to 1 acre)
- Family + friends homestead food forest design (1 to 3 acres)

A homestead design comes with everything a regular food forest design does, plus it will dive into greater detail on animal integration, annual food production systems, perennial food production systems, water management and help you understand how to convert your property and family from consumers to producers.

Shop now:

**Sale ends Monday, November 28th at 11:59EST

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