Minesweeper (Text Based) | Python | 1 Hour Projects | Programming Beginners

2 years ago

Here is the full video of the Minesweeper Game in Python

I had some fun whilst making this project, Unfortunately I failed getting the project running in under an hour - But 1 Hour 20 isn't too bad still.

Had 1 or two hiccups with the recursive functions when looking through the field for empty cells.

Stay tuned for a minesweeper game made in Pygame. I am sure that will be more fun to play , than this text version is to play.

#Python #pythonprogramming #pygame #Pong #pythontutorial #pythonforbeginners #pythontutorial #python3 #code


00:00 Intro
04:05 gameLogic Function
06:20 Choose Difficulty Function
09:50 GameLogic Function correction
12:30 InsertMines Function
17:40 scoreAdjacentCells Function
27:25 CreateGameDictionary Function
35:20 MakeSelection Function
45:00 InputSelection Function
49:48 PrintGameScreen Function
60:00 CheckAllAdjacentCells Function
01:12:50 CheckForWinLose Function

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