Brave: (bonus 6/12) EXPOSED- Covert Ways Bioweapons Are Used for Population Control- Health Secrets

1 year ago

Jonathon Otto presents-
Dr. Judy Mikovits discussing a deadly phenomenon called vaccine AIDS… She’s also sharing how these so-called jabs are damaging people’s innate immune systems… And which essential nutrients help repair damage to the immune system.
Dr. Brian Hooker who will be sharing the REAL danger of one of the deadliest bioweapons ever created… The so-called C0V!D vaxx…
Dr. Braun shared his concern of how the toxic spike protein is actually a leading disease that mimics one of the most deadly autoimmune diseases… Diabetes.
Mitchell Gerber exposes information about how the Chinese Communist Party has been involved in the mass vaccination agenda. They also created a genetic code sequence which we know is a bioweapon agent.
BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously! DVD Series

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