BRAVE: ( 5/12) AND STRONG- Proven Protocols to Strengthen Your Immune System- Health Secrets

2 years ago

Jonathon Otto presents-
Discover ancient immune-boosting natural remedies that are still proving to be highly effective today. Gain insight from the world’s top naturopaths on what they recommend you should do to strengthen your immune system. Learn about the various immune compromisers and how to recognize the ones in your environment that may be impacting your immunity. Experts uncover what you can do to protect yourself from exposure to environmental toxins that have a serious impact on your health. Learn about the importance of boosting your immune system to protect you against vaxx shedding.
Dr. Ryan Cole reveals how the vaccine and spike proteins are the leading cause of life-threatening cancer in children and adults right now. he reveals how to REVERSE the deadly effects of the spike protein, fight off cancer cells, beat C0V!D- and “vaccine”-induced fatigue, and inhibit the herpes family of viruses.

Dr. Jack Wolfson reveals why natural immunity is FAR better than vaccine-acquired immunity …

Dr. Christiane Northrup shares how to boost your immune system simply by unplugging from the dangerously toxic mainstream media. And if you were coerced into getting the vaccine … and that’s causing you much sadness now, she also shares what to do to lift your mood instantly.
Dr. Syed Haider shared the globalists’ evil agenda to reduce our immune system to that of an AIDS patient… Their ultimate goal is to make us slaves of the harmaceutical industry, so that they can depopulate at will.
Dr. Peter Glidden expresses his shock at why the medical establishment refuses to teach people how to strengthen their immune system…
BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously! DVD Series

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