BRAVE: (4/12) AND THRIVING- Natural Medicines that Bulletproof Your Health- Health Secrets

2 years ago

Jonathon Otto presents-
Learn about exactly how the COVID vaccine is causing serious harm to people’s bodies. And how it is highly inflammatory, toxic, and leads to allergic responses. Discover how vaccines are leading to 54% of our children suffering from one or more of 21 chronic diseases.
Dr. Judy Mikovits reveals the relationship between taking RU486 (the abortion pill) and growing vaccines in cell lines of aborted babies – Often still alive after the abortion.
Kevin Jenkins reveals how the pandemic is really a form of slavery – The global government has employed the same tactics to try and control us.
Dr. David Martin reveals how Monkey pox is not something to fear because contracting it depends on lifestyle factors – ones most people don’t engage in.

BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously! DVD Series

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