Be Careful If You Often Wake Up At Night To Go To The Bathroom

2 years ago

Have you ever heard that people who wake up at night to go to the bathroom should wait about a minute and a half to avoid life-threatening complications?

At night, many people interrupt their sleep to go to the bathroom to check on a noise in the house or to get a glass of water.

But what many don't know is that they need to be careful when doing so. Sleep is undoubtedly one of the greatest pleasures we can enjoy.

When we sleep, our whole body rests and we feel much better. We become energized to start a new day and face challenges.

But unfortunately, many people have problems sleeping, such as anxiety and insomnia; and as we've already seen here, sleeping less than 7 hours a night brings several complications to our health.

If you're one of those people who often wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or just to check on things, this video is especially important for you.

First of all, it's quite normal to wake up barefoot, although there are people who wear slippers or sandals, which is recommended especially in the dark to avoid accidents such as stepping on sharp objects, insects and so on.

If you answered yes to the question at the beginning of the video, you've probably heard of a story where a person was perfectly healthy and then died overnight for no apparent reason.

In such cases, a likely cause may have been getting out of bed quickly.

Rushing out of bed shortly after waking up can affect us in many ways, because when we rush, the brain doesn't get enough blood flow, which can lead to fainting and unconsciousness, especially in people with low blood pressure.

In worse cases, this abrupt change can even lead to death. To avoid this, there's a very simple rule we want to share with you.

As we've already explained, the brain is poorly supplied with blood during sleep and needs time to recover when we get out of bed.

So if you wake up in the middle of the night, remember the 3 and a half minute rule.

Stay in bed for a minute and a half after waking up to allow your brain to wake up. Sit up in bed for another minute and a half.

Lower your legs and sit on the edge of the bed for the remaining 30 seconds. This will help your brain wake up.

This rule is even more important for older people. If you already knew this, tell me in the comments.

Don't forget to like and share the video with the people you like. I wish you good health.

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