BRAVE: (1/12) TRUTH- Exposing the Shocking Facts They Tried to Bury- Health Secrets

1 year ago

Jonathon Otto presents-
Discover how early treatments for COVID were intentionally censored to advance to population control agenda
Experts uncover the continuous dramatic increase in vaxx-injured patients and expose evidence that PROVES this was premeditated
Learn about why these jabs are NOT really vaccines and how the definition of a vaccine was changed to push this deadly agenda
Experts reveal more and more about the ingredients that are being found in various vaccine vials – And the evidence that proves no two vaxxes are the same
Hear about the media has been a huge perpetrator in spreading misinformation to boast the deadly vaxx – and how this is backfiring as people are learning the truth
Dr. Edward Group Dr. Edward Group, a world renowned expert who never had a case of anybody getting worse from C0V!D while being on his renowned Universal Protection Program. He also reveals information he’s never shared elsewhere about his proprietary process he uses to stop, reverse and successfully treat C0V!D injuries in his patients.
Dr. Syed Haide-Treating Long Covid with zinc, supplements, herbs and Ivermectin.
Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes an African study funded by Anthony Fauci where Remdesivir had a staggering 53% mortality rate. Yet Fauci lied that the drug was safe and effective. Extremely deadly protocols was used to push the population control agenda, by medically murdering millions of Americans. Nicotine gum treatment to completely rid his wife of all her C0V!D symptoms.
Dr. Levy believes there is more politics in medicine than in national politics! He also gives details about vital supplements and minerals we should be taking to boost our immune system, and prime it against C0V!D and spike protein shedding. Explains how unresolved post-C0V!D and post-vaccination syndromes invariably lead to blood clotting, which is usually fatal.
Dr. Jim Meehan Pfizer study that found that 32% of the vaccinated children became infected and were also harmed by the vaccine compared to the unvaccinated children. Yet they manipulated the study to “conclude” that the vaccine would be 80% effective with second and third booster doses.
Dr. Wolfson unravels the “profitable drama” between FDA, Big Pharma and the global government and how they plan to keep us sick with their poisons and drugs, while shamelessly filling their pockets with blood-stained cash. C0V!D injuries from palsy to cardiac arrests to strokes, sudden cardiac death, cardiomyopathy and other heart injuries are a direct result of the C0V!D vaccine
Dr. Jane Ruby The FDA and other companies keep violating their own regulations… while taking advantage of the fact that the public doesn’t know a lot of nuances in the industry. mRNA poison signal chimeric molecules found in the “booster shots” that is really dangerous.
Dr. Brian Hooker reveals the strange connection between the World Economic Forum, Even 201 and their depopulation agenda that culminated in the fall of 2019 and the pandemic. Since most people didn’t fall for it (they didn’t reach their 60% depopulation mark) it’s highly likely that their next plandemic will be worse

BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously! DVD Series

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