A lazy King's recovery

2 years ago

This is a story about a lazy king. A long time ago there lived a generous and kind king. But the people were not satisfied with their king because the king was very lazy and did nothing but eat and sleep. He spent days, weeks, and months in his bed, either eating or sleeping. The king turned into a potato couch and people started to worry about the king. One day the king realized that he couldn't even move his body, not even his leg. He got very fat and his enemies laughed at him, calling him "fat king", "bulky king", etc. The king invited experienced doctors from different parts of his country and offered them a generous reward to make him well. Unfortunately, nobody could help the king to get healthy and physically fit again. The king spent a lot of money, but it was all in vain. One fine morning a holy man visited the land. Hearing about the king's illness, he informed the minister in the palace that he could easily cure the king. Hearing these auspicious words, the minister was overjoyed. He asked the king to meet the holy man to get rid of his problem. The holy man lived in a secluded place. Unable to move his body, the king asked the minister to take the holy man to the palace, but the holy man refused. He said that the king must go to him to be healed. After strenuous efforts, the king met the holy man at his residence. The holy man praised the king, saying that he was a good ruler and that he would recover soon. He asked the king to come for treatment the next day. He also told the king that the king would only be approached if he walked to the holy man's residence. The king could not walk a few steps on the street, but with the help of his followers he reached the holy man's place. Unfortunately, the holy man was not there, and his devotee asked the king to meet him the next day for treatment. This was repeated for two weeks and the king never met the holy man and was never healed. Gradually, the king noticed that he felt much lighter, lost a lot of weight and felt more active than before. He understood the reason why the holy man had asked him to go to his place. Very soon the king recovered and people were very happy in his kingdom. Health is wealth!

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