Debbie Vervoort - We've opened our eyes - Story of Janneke Hellebrekers

2 years ago

Eye: Janneke Hellebrekers
We've opened our eyes
Oil on wood

Story of Janneke:

How I woke up and took my power back
I am Janneke Hellebrekers and I am currently living in the South of Spain. My surname is in English: Hellbreaker. I truly feel that I came out of hell/the matrix and that I am now living in paradise.

I grew up in a place called Heel, in dialect it was called Hael, it is prenounced as hell. It felt to me like hell growing up, but only after my thirties, it became a place to heal and come back to.

I left it in my twenties for the big city and started to search for myself. First I searched in the outer world and lost myself in booze, parties, festivals, and men. I felt strong in my job in helping people at the Social Services and in sportsfields but with my family and in relationships I did not feel powerful. I did mostly what my family, my partner, my bosses, and society expected from me. At one point I was smoking and drinking a lot and my weight reached almost 100 kilos.

And then I got a burnout from work and for the first time in my life I could not stop my thoughts anymore and I had to go within. With yoga and meditation, I felt for the first time my own energy and the whispers of my heart and soul and it was a true liberation for me. From then I knew I did not need anything anymore from the outside world to feel a certain way. I started to listen to my heart and where it would take me.

I dived into a lot of spiritual information, books, workshops, healings, retreats, and courses. Over the years I did Kundalini Yoga teacher training, Ankh Healing courses, a massage course, Tantra courses, and a channeling course. At one point I quit my job and house, let all my belongings go, and traveled to South America. I found myself there by sharing my gifts with the people. I was giving Yoga, meditation, massages, workshops, dances, and Ankh Healings and the people loved them and me. For the first time, I felt seen, heard, and loved not only because of what I was sharing but also, because of what I am, my being. I found there so much love within myself and everybody that I wanted to share that with the people I loved most and I came back to Europe.

Being back in Holland I felt at home within and I was at peace with where I came from. After that, I went to Portugal and lived there for several years.
The last place I lived was in a community in Portugal where I thought it was a beautiful place with conscious people building a new earth, but it turned out to be a cult and they only wanted followers that did what they wanted. I am too free to let anybody tell me how to live my life, so I left, but luckily I found my soulmate, Hydro there. Together we are sharing our knowledge and helping people to discover their own power within.

l feel empowered and free in all aspects of my life and love myself more and more each day and l love helping others on their journey. I am giving healing and I am also giving healing courses so others can learn this powerful healing technique as well.

Since the whole Plandemic (Corona) I am even more active in helping humanity to awaken and to share what I know.
So happy to see more and more awake people everywhere.

You can follow me on Facebook:

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My website (for on - and offline multidimensional Ankh healings and my healing course):


I am also active on the Awakening support website:

Much love!
❤️ 🙏🏼

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