How You Too Can the Gospel Through Christmas Cards

2 years ago

Since we all know the lateness of the hour right now, our great commission from Jesus has never been so vital than it is right now. I live in a building where there are 440 other suites here in it. I've lived here for 23 years. Most of the people here in this building truly are lost souls who never got to learn how to become born again of the Holy Spirit after truly turning to Jesus for eternal salvation.

This year, I decided to give each and everyone one of my 440 neighbors a very unique Christmas card that both warns them of God’s wrath that’s soon about to be poured out upon this planet. It also shows them how they too can escape the wrath to come by turning sincerely and truly and authentically to Christ for eternal salvation.

This was all done through my Christmas card, a double sided two-page letter that I wrote and also three included bible tracts as well.

If anyone wishes to do as I am doing to warn others and plant firm seeds of the Gospel with them as well, I made a video showing all that I placed in each envelope to do so.

I know that my cards will be offensive to most. However; if even so much as just one person truly does find salvation through Jesus Christ because of my cards, then it has been all worth it.

Please feel free to do what I did as well.

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