November 4, 2022 Instagram Reel

2 years ago

Super excited to teach this #minicourse ✨ I want to bring more #peace ☮️ into your life with this one. November 11th At 10
Am est.

A client told me this week, “I told you I didn’t think I could control my thoughts” but realized after these last 2 weeks, that it’s not about controlling them, it’s about surrender and observation. And now it’s much easier to shift the perception and beliefs surrounding their body and what they feel like *should* be happening.

I’m this mini course, learn not to fear the process of your mind, nervous system, and the impact it has on your body.

Tickets in my l ! N k tree and on eventbright for only $25 🤍

#nervoussystem #nervoussystemregulation #gnm #germannewmedicine #yourbodyhasyourback #body #emotionalintelligence

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