The Raw Deal (23 November 2022) - 'What Happened to JFK'

2 years ago

A relaxed review of the key elements of the assassination of our 35th president, where I explain how we know, for example, that the driver, William Greer, did not shoot JFK and that Jackie, who has also fallen under a cloud of suspicion, did not use a derringer to take him out. On the contrary, he was hit four or five times: (1) in the back by a shot fired from the top of the County Records Building by a Dallas Deputy Sheriff; (2) in the throat by a shot that passed through the windshield and appears to have fragmented; (3) in the back of the head by a shot from the Dal-Tex; (4) in the right temple by a shot fired from the right/front; and (probably) (5) by another shot from the right side that hit at the same time fired from the area of the pergola. The home movies had to be edited (extensively) to conceal the complicity of the Secret Service in setting him up for the hit, where it was done at Hawkeye Works, a secret CIA film and photo lab adjacent to Kodak Headquarters in Rochester, NY. I explain who was involved, the shots that were taken, the effects that they had, and why JFK was taken out. For a profound understanding of JFK without lots of supporting evidence--just focusing on the indispensable facts you need to know--this is it.

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