Self development || Healthy Emotions Through Reframing Negative Thoughts (Rumi poem)

2 years ago

#SelfDevelopment #HealthyEmotions #ShayoliHope #ReframingNegativeThoughts #Rumipoem

Get help applying what we talked about today:

There are no good or bad emotions! They're just messengers. Reframing "negative" emotions can help us learn the intended message.

"There is nothing either good or bad. Only thinking makes it so." --Hamlet, William Shakespeare

*Heartbreak: showing me how big my heart is, and what I care for the most.

*Loneliness: showing me the extent to which I belong to the world.

*Fear: showing me what I really DO want through an intense experience of avoiding what I DON’T want.

*Longing: bringing discontent for my present situation, so that I will choose to courageously take a leap toward my dreams.

*Depression: showing me the old, outdated meanings I had for my life so that I can throw them out to make room for new meanings.

*Anxiety: showing me my own power--I have great abilities to accomplish so much.

*Anger: demonstrating how much I truly want the best for those I care deeply about.

*Regret: allowing me to make a new commitment, with the accompanying fire of resolve and determination.

*Guilt: showing me where I could have done better, so that I more fully apprehend my power to be more, do more, and have more.

*Frustration: showing me the areas in which I can take action and make needed changes, spurring me forward toward what’s possible.

*Grief: showing me the price of love, so that I will never value it cheaply ever again.

Exercise: Healthy Emotions:

Think about a particular "negative" emotion you experience routinely.
Ask yourself, "What is the gift in ______?" (procrastination, disappointment, resentment, pain, etc.)


0:00 Welcome
2:38 Reframing Emotions--Slideshow
12:28 Rumi poem: "The Guest House"
13:55 Exercise: Healthy Emotions

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