How unfolding our curiosity can help us find new ways to look at the world | Nancy Napier

2 years ago

We understand from Nancy Napier, professor, inspiring speaker and author how unfolding our curiosity can help us find new ways to look at the world and give organization leaders ideas from unexpected sources.

Distinguished Professor Emerita at Boise State University (USA), Nancy Napier has published widely on organizational creativity, innovation, and emerging economies over the years.

Because life is not just research and teaching, Napier reached out to leaders and managers in other formats. She co-created and hosted her NPR local affiliate’s Idaho Business Matters, was a regular guest on KTVB Channel 7’s Noon News, wrote for Forbes Vietnam, and continues to write for blogs for and the Idaho Statesman. In the last few years, she has received two of Vietnam’s top honors for foreigners, the Medal of Honor, for contributing to the advancement of education in the country, and the Medal of Friendship for helping to build relationships between the U.S. and Vietnam.

#curiosity #creativity #author #leadership #vietnam #education #thekajmasterclass

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