What stole your joy? Why do you not have the same zest for life that you once did?

1 year ago

What stole your joy? Why do you not have the same zest for life that you once did?
My mum died and it all went to shit
My spouse died of cancer. Literally nothing holds joy anymore. Life consists of waiting for it to be done.
I turned my hobby into my profession. Now I don't have a hobby anymore and I enjoy doing what I do less now that I need to do it in order to get money.
My mom dying of cancer when I was 26. She’s been gone 8 years but I remember the joy I could feel for things before it all. It’s like a light’s gone out. I can see it in my siblings as well.
Being blind. Realising no matter how good I become at something, able bodied people will and are better. Realising that I can be amazing something and never get anything more than you are good for a blind person.
Learning that no one but myself can me me happy, and that I'm not able to do this. Also having tried to fit in for such a long time that I'm just burned out.
My management at work. I use to enjoy coming to work. The incompetence permeates everything that they touch.
Money. Specifically the fact that I need to acquire it constantly
Incurable, inoperable brain cancer at 36
Cycle of working and paying the bills
The passing of my son from fentanyl poisoning this year. Beyond broken.
Abusive relationships and lack of support systems
Reading comments on Reddit, why do I do this to myself.
Thinking for 10 years that good decisions and hard work will get you where you want to be but just fail every step of the way. While the entire time everyone was just expecting you to fail.
Life long abuse and trauma. I don't want to do ANYTHING. I honestly want to die soon.
Betrayal by close ones
I spent 2 years in Iraq. My body aches every day. I can't bend over and tie my shoes anymore. I wake up in pain and I go to bed in pain. I have nightmares, I don't go into crowds. I have at times had audible hallucinations. And I'm going deaf, I'm 37 and have the body of an 80 year old man.
My kid developed a mental illness. The stress and chronic worry and not knowing how to help is an ongoing, constant burden. I’m tired, my hair falls out, and I am always sad for my kid.
This is probably so stupidly minor in the grand scheme of things but my ex's treatment of me post-breakup
That the world keeps turning, regardless of what you're going through
My 5 year old died of undiagnosed leukemia a few months ago. She had down syndrome and was non verbal so she couldn't tell us something was wrong. She had nose bleeds off and on for two weeks before she passed. We saw a few doctors but none of them caught it in time. I have 2 kids I try to still do things with but nothing feels the same
Dog got ran over in June. Holding him so close to me while I waited for an Uber to take him to the vet and noticing his heart just wasn't beating anymore.
Can’t say I ever did. I’ve had all my mental illness and disabilities since childhood… so I guess last time life wasn’t miserable was kindergarten
University. I used to have so much passion for learning. However, the amount of tasks I have to accomplish for uni left me drained to the core. There were even times wherein I no longer care about learning as long as I was able to fulfill the requirement.
Realizing that most of the world is run on greed. It really takes away the delight in being a part of something bigger than you when you grasp that most everyone is selfish and money hungry.
I work in the medical field. The corruption and greed that pervades this field from the CEO overlords messes with your head sometimes, plus just a bunch of egos and toxic personalities that this field attracts. Burns you out quickly.
I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking forward to every day. All I do is work.
Depression and anxiety. I'm working on it though and will return to my former self.
Working 100+ hours a week from the age of 18 I missed my 20s entirely.
My marriage.
Mental illness
Realising that the only thing I wished for and wanted in my life, would never happen. It broke me to bits and pieces to a point where life would never be the same again.
People that take advantage of you for their own gain.
Being raped. Whatever acceptance and love I had for myself and my body has been stolen away. Everyday activities like going to the shop or taking the dogs for a walk on the beach has been marred with the fear a faceless stranger will grab me from behind. There is a heavy shroud weighing down on me and I doubt I will ever be the person I was before the attack again.
Earlier this year, my nephew died three days before I learned my pregnancy was incompatible with life. Sitting at his funeral while experiencing my own invisible loss was traumatic. This has been the worst year of my life.
My father passing. He was the person I could rely on since the beginning of all of my memories. I am extremely lucky to have an amazing wife now, but it's sad that my dad is gone forever.

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