Satan is infiltrating the churches through today's apostate evangelical televangelists

2 years ago

Satan is infiltrating the churches through today's apostate evangelical televangelists, like Billy Graham, who boasts that he has many homosexual friends. Rick Warren also befriends gays, having said publicly that he won't expose them. There was a recent article published in Christianity Today magazine by Chad W. Thompson. The article is titled "Banning Gay Marriage is Not the Answer." Mr. Thompson stresses that Christians are often quick to condemn homosexuality, but fail to reach out in love to the gay community.
Although Thompson's words are eloquent and his motives seemingly good, it just doesn't work that way. I've met enough homosexual people in my life to know that they are generally hostile towards God, the Bible, and Christians. Why? Simply because God has clearly stated in His Word that homosexuality is an abominable sin (Leviticus 20:13). Homosexuals have every reason to hate the Bible and anyone who preaches the Bible's message against homosexuality.

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