Schaftlein Report | McCarthy demands DHS Secretary Mayorkis Resign

2 years ago

Schaftlein Report | McCarthy demands DHS Secretary Mayorkis Resign

1) Incoming Speaker Kevin McCarthy has demanded action to secure our southern border demanding DHS Secretary Mayorkis resign
for misrepresenting to congress the security status at the border. We agree 100%!

If he does not resign, he will be Impeached by the new congress

2) Biden Administration extends student loan payments until 6-30-23 using covid as an excuse while the Supreme Court decides the
case on an emergency request. This is a blatant abuse of unauthorized power the President does not have.

2A) Biden had previously promised to end the deferment on 12-31-22. This is terrible policy and an act of socialism giving relief not approved by congress.

3) Kevin Kiley (R) wins a U.S. House seat in CA pushing Republicans to a 221-213 majority. I seat is left to be determined.

4) Supreme Court rules Trump must turn over his tax returns to House committees.

5) CBS news now confirms the Hunter Laptop is real 2 years after the fact. The cover up stinks.

6) 6 killed in Walmart mass shooting in Virginia. Gunman kills himself.

7) In the FTX fraud case, there are substantial assets stolen or missing

8) Musk finds closets full of "stay woke" shirts at Twitter

9) Violent protests take place at Chinese factory that produces I-phones over wages. Workers beaten as covid lock down policies continue.

10) Jobless claims hit 240K, highest level since August.

11) Travel safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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