Session 4: John Reuther - A Biblical Theology of the Spirit's Work

2 years ago

By John Reuther, Pastor| Nov 19, 2022 | Cessationist Conference
Description: A survey of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as promised in the Old Testament, structured by John the Baptist and Jesus in the Gospels, inaugurated at Pentecost, completed in the Apostolic Age, and perpetuated in the church today.
About Speaker: John Reuther Pastor/Teacher Covenant Baptist Church/Lecturer, Reformed Baptist Seminary
John was converted from Roman Catholicism at nineteen years of age. He had been searching for answers in his Catholic high school and began to read the Bible. When he enrolled as a music student at Montclair State College in NJ, he was blessed to meet evangelical Christians who invited him to church services where he eventually became assured that he was saved by the grace of God through repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ. John received his BA at Northeastern Bible College in 1977, and his M.Div. at Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, PA (now Missio Seminary, Philadelphia), in 1984. He has been pastoring Covenant Baptist Church in Lumberton, NJ, since 1985. In 1975, he spent a summer in Ja-pan and has always had a heart for missionary work. God has given him many opportunities to teach theology on the mission field.
More information about John, the ministry to which God has entrusted him, and contact information may be found on his website:
The Cessationist Conference was made in cooperation with the upcoming Cessationist Film From the makers of the films Calvinist and Logic on Fire. More information at:

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