🔴 Ukraine War - Ukrainian Special Forces In Close Combat During Operation South Of Dibrova

2 years ago

Video footage recorded with helmet cams and drones shows a unit of Ukrainian Special Forces from the Ukrainian National Guard in close combat with a Russian element south of Dibrova. Dibrova was within Russian held territory so at the time these scenes where filmed the Ukrainian operators operated behind enemy lines. Most of you already saw a heavily edited compilation version of this but this time we have a much longer mostly raw version of the event thanks to one of the operators who participated in that mission and sent the footage to us.

His unit currently needs a new drone and is raising money for that cause.

You can support them with a small PayPal donation here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=J9LRYHS2ALGZC

They would like to buy a Mavic 3 Cine Combo that currently costs about $4000. If we all can put something together we can realize that.

You can check the operator yourself to see that he is legit here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjqaV8-JEnW/?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc=

His YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@maxpaynev2158

We do not get anything from this donation link and all the money goes directly to them so they can buy their drone.

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