Intro to Blender lecture 03: Animating a Bouncing Ball

2 years ago

00:00 intro
00:45 start of lecture
01:23 The Knife tool in Edit Mode
02:13 CNTRL R loop cuts recap
02:42 selection recap 1,2,3 edge-vert-face
02:52 dissolve edges
03:28 Circle selection tool
04:32 recap on new editing tools
05:13 setting up scene for our Bouncing Ball Animation
05:17 World Origin, 3d Cursor, and Object origin explained
06:10 UV Sphere vs Ico Sphere
07:00 setting up our camera view
08:36 Animation workflow discussion
08:58 Object Origin Point explained and how to change it
09:51 hiding the plane to see bottom of sphere
10:14 changing location of 3d curser to selection
11:59 Object Mode: Set Origin to 3D cursor
12:38 Origin point explanation of how it influences motion and animation
13:22 how to keyframe in Blender using Auto Keyframe mode
14:17 planning our motion
14:52 Object Properties panel
15:06 how to keyframe in Blender PROFESSIONALLY
15:39 Starting 1st drop of our bouncing ball
16:18 setting up the 1st rise from floor plane
16:49 planning the 2nd time ball drops towards plane
17:22 Adjusting render length of timeline to loop your animations faster
17:53 planning out our Squash and Stretch to the bouncing ball
18:48 setting up 1st Stretch keyframe
19:02 setting up 2nd Stretch keyframe
19:54 setting up our Squash on impact
20:36 setting up our Stretch as ball rises from impact
21:10 setting up ball to be a perfect circle again before it reaches top of its bounce upwards
21:49 setting up ball dropping down again- 2nd Stretch
22:45 setting up 2nd squash on impact to plane
23:02 ball ends on a perfect circle again
24:26 using the graph Editor
26:41 using the Gizmo to see what axis you want to transform along in Viewport
30:16 Animating the camera
34:24 recap
35:52 Adding a Material, Render and render settings
44:08 HDRIs
45:53 fine tuning our material and render settings

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