This is why I will never vote Labour

2 years ago

People ask me why I won’t vote Labour or support unions/strikes. It is because of things like this. How dare anyone feel they can tell anyone in the UK what they can do. (1) Labour and the unions are not the police and have no legal power (unless I am wrong) to tell others what they can and cannot do. (2) It is legal for the students and so on to go into the university. They are customers who have paid for a service.

If people want to strike then do not expect other people to be involved with whatever games they wish to play. If they do not like the pay or whatever then quit and get a job with a different firm. Personally if they sack the strikers then I do not care.

This is why I do not like this left wing ideology.

It is always the same with these left wing. Force people to comply by force. Just as they did in Nazi Germany and USSR. And never forget the Nazi party we’re socialists (it’s in the name).

I will never support any ideology that forces others to comply.

Such ideology is never about looking after others.

When you tell others what to do. You are on the side of wrong.

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